Soft Gaze
Virgo season is the time to make better choices

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Virgo season is the time to make better choices

Harnessing the energy of late summer and honouring the archetype who makes everything better

Virgo, we love thee.

I wanted to try something new, inspired by Sigh Swoon, a poet and philosopher (and a Virgo!) who ruminates on the invisible, articulating feelings and dynamics and human experiences by sharing stories and notes and insights from her path.

Like her, I wanted to create a longer audio that you could listen to while you do dishes, tidy your house, walk to get your groceries, whatever. Something not so formal as a podcast, just a regular guy yapping about life, keeping you company in your solitude.

I’m on a journey to fall back in love with time, to receive time as a gift instead of living under the threat of “I never have enough time.”

One of the best ways I’ve found to open up time is to honour the season of time we’re in. And right now we’re in Virgo season, that warm pocket of late summer right before we turn over to fall. Back to school energy, getting down to it energy, quieting down and listening to the whispers of the soul that guide us forward better than any expert or therapist or guru ever could.

In the audio I talk about the Virgo archetype and some of the teachings that come from paying attention to what Virgo really is in the universe. One insight I think is very interesting and empowering is the idea of Virgo as a “virgin” not meaning “one who has never had sex and is therefore pure” but instead to mean “a feminine being who has not yet committed herself to marriage or motherhood, and therefore has an abundance of feminine energy to share with the world, often for healing and helping.” I think it’s a beautiful way to reframe the virgin / maiden archetype not as this precious thing waiting to be given to a single man, but as a resource of feminine magic (inside all of us) that is a gift to the world, to whatever cause you want to offer it to. To healing, and harmony, and wholeness itself.

I also tell the story of how my Virgo, Alex, came into my life when I was at my weakest, in deep need of gentle healing. That felt good to get off my chest.

Please enjoy! Leave a comment or send me a message and tell me what you think. I’d like to do one for each season, so your feedback will help me refine the offering (a very Virgo thing to do).

Below you’ll find some resources that I reference in the audio (a poem, a morning practice, and a recipe) as well as some portraits of my three favourite Virgos, naked and pure as the day they were born.

Thanks for being here!

Sacred Alex at Terres d’Hommes cruising park in Montreal with the artist Simon Muscat
Dom, the Danger, in the enchanted forest behind my family lands in the middle of nowhere, Northwestern Ontario cottage country.
Freedom, Pornhub Daddy and my favourite little teddy bear, on the beach in Zipolite.

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Soft Gaze
Real transmissions of queer love and sex. A celebration of the tender masculine.
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Braden Alexander